Essay Exhibit Response Connor K

Digital Humanities is what we as humans make of different forms of literature through various mediums of electronic devices. We have started to digitize and archive items that may have gone extinct to them originally being composed on paper or film, or items that can deteriorate and never be physically available to remember. Also throughout the class we have discussed authorship and who receives credibility or recognition for their work or contribution to another piece of work. As a final project we have been asked to do a research paper on one of the discussed topics of Digital Humanities that intrigued us. Alongside of the research paper we had 'Essay Exhibits', which were in-class presentations from each student, and gave a general insight to their research on that digital humanity topic that they planned to write their essay on.
Of the many students presentations I found one by the Hash Slinging Hackers tribe mate, Kevin, to be very interesting and informational. He explained his findings on authorship and who deserves credit for their work and how this can be controversial in some ways. While conceptualizing that, although we input information of words, letters, codes or scripts into a computer, the computer is still the author of making sense of all of the information you put into it. There were presentations from all of the tribes that had a great thesis, that could lead to a very good overall understanding of digital humanities.


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