The Story of a Punk

My original work of electronic literature takes the form of a self-generating poem. To do this I used Nick Montfort's code from Taroko Gorge. The code that makes up his webpage is open source, meaning anyone can access and use the code without getting a license. I took advantage of this and copied the code into my own HTML editor and used what I've learned from Digital Humanities to make a version of my own. I used the lyrics of the punk band The Story So Far  to create a self-generating poem called The Story of a Punk.

I selected the band's lyrics from their older albums for the generating text. Further, I used their lyrics because of their extensive lyrics that tend to differ from the repetition seen in todays popular genres. To select the proper text for the piece, I dissected each song to find a central phrase or word that would best fit my theme. By selecting certain lines and words from their songs I was able to create a poem that generates in a way that readers may be able to see the thoughts of a young adult lost in his mind. The randomization of stanzas makes for a very interesting experience that can be perceived in many different ways.

-Robert Hager


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