A Group Response to Electronic Literature
Electronic Literature
Electronic Literature (EL) is a rising form of literature which is born digital, or created on digital technology. This form of literature is also meant to be consumed through digital technologies such as computers and smart phones. What sets it apart from normal literature is its incorporation of hypertext, animation(s) and/or interactive links/videos that create an electronic story. Since EL contains digitally interactive aspects, it must be able to be accessed digitally. EL cannot be converted to print, but print literature can be converted to EL.
Although, Electronic Literature is not a tangible artifact, it can really engage the person experiencing it through interactivity. In Dinty Moore's "Mr. Plimpton's Revenge", the reader must engage with the story by clicking through the pinpoints and viewing the pictures taken at corresponding places on the map. This interaction brings a certain realness to the story which makes it easier to relate to.
This post might benefit from a few pictures. Other than that it is well written.